Splendid self-catering accommodation for two right at the beachfront. The room is on the ground floor of the double storey guest house with its wide veranda covered by the balcony along the top floor. Huge glass doors open onto the patio with its comfortable wicker furniture facing the sea only a few steps away.
The bed with matching bed lamps is intentionally placed in such a way that one can enjoy the priceless view of the rocky shore and vast Indian Ocean from the bed. There are, in fact, no curtains to obstruct the view. For privacy one can simply unfold the white wooden louvered folding doors to shut out the light while sleeping.
Every morning offers another opportunity to witness the perfect beauty of a sunrise over the sea for those early risers. During summer months the day breaks very early, even before 05:00, making the wooden shutters the best way to allow for some more sleep. Nightfall comes only after 20:00, making for long days and short nights and affording lots of time to enjoy the sea, the town as well as the surrounding areas.
Make yourself comfortable on a sun lounger on the patio. Close your eyes and get lost in the voice of the ocean, constantly moving, sometimes whispering, while roaring at other times. Let go and practically feel the serenity of this very special place engulf your weary soul.